Terms & fees
The total cost of the Diploma Course is £2250, payable in 3 instalments of £750 on or before the following dates:
• 1st Payment: 2 weeks before commencement of the course
• 2nd Payment: weekend four
• Final Payment: weekend seven
OR with a Discount of £155 for payment in full by Date 1 above, i.e. £2095.
Special Early Bird Offer
Save £355.00 by making your fully refundable payment of £1895 by 17th July 2015
Please submit your cheque (made payable to AHH) with the completed registration form to:
Costa Lambrias, Academy of Holistic Hypnotherapy, The Greenhouse, MediaCityUK, Salford, M50 2EQ
If you prefer to pay by debit or credit card, PayPal, or online by Bank Transfer, please let us know. However please be aware that your place cannot be formally confirmed until we have receipt of your completed registration form.
Because previous courses have been oversubscribed, please do not wait until the last week to reserve your place as all places may have been filled. We suggest you send a £150 fully refundable deposit in order to secure your place on this unique and highly acclaimed hypnotherapy training course.
Telephone us on 0161 860 4797 for our 2015 registration form
and for up-to-date information on course numbers (maximum 16).
Alternatively, just click on this link to download a printer-friendly pdf of the Registration form:
Download Application Form
Read more:
The Tutors | Course Overview | Course Content | Course Dates | Terms & Fees
Professional Bodies and Insurance
You will be covered by the Academy’s Professional Insurance for the duration of this course. Upon graduation, you will be entitled to use the letters DAHHyp (Diploma of Advanced Holistic Hypnotherapy) after your name, and be eligible to join the Hypnotherapy Association and apply for full malpractice indemnity insurance cover at preferential rates. You would also be entitled to join the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) which holds the government-approved Register of Hypnotherapists used by the NHS. Because this Course meets the Hypnotherapy Association’s exacting standards, our graduates are able to join the Hypnotherapy Assocation at intermediate level as Licentiates, and therefore you will be entitled to use the designations DAHHyp, LHA (Reg Hyp) after your name.
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