Course content
The course provides a comprehensive training in all areas of hypnotherapy and the therapeutic process. Whilst aimed at complete beginners, the course covers topics that would normally only be covered in advanced training courses.
History & Definitions: Hypnosis, Hypnotism, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Holistic Hypnotherapy | The Mind-Body-Soul Connection: Psycho-Soma | The Mind – Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious |
“Therapy with Consciousness!” and the role of Consciousness in Therapy | Inductions – Slow and fast | The Signs of Hypnosis |
Deepeners | Somnambulism | Anaesthesia |
Self-Hypnosis | The Initial Consultation | Structuring the Therapy – structure of sessions |
Protocols, Boundaries, Transference | Protection | Contra-indications |
Abreactions | When to refer | Establishing Rapport – Mirroring, Pacing, Leading |
Recording the Session | The Use of Music | Talking to the Subconscious – Use of Voice, Tonal & Spatial |
Positive Phrasing | Pre-Conditioning – Seeding for Success | False Memory Syndrome |
The Importance of Clean Hypnotic Language | Confidence Boost, Ego-Strengthening | Self-Esteem Issues – Diagnostic Tools |
Analysis | Negative Conditioning | Abuse |
Stress | The Emotional Release and De-Stress Process | Reframing |
Naturalistic Inductions | Metaphors | Therapeutic Stories |
Ericksonian Techniques | Utilising Ideomotor Responses (IMRs) | Rossi Technique |
Introduction to NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) | The Representational Systems (VAKOG) | Eye Accessing Cues |
Parking and Anchoring | Fast Phobia Cure | Recommended Reading List |
Secondary Gains | Parts | Personal Development and Self-Work |
Affirmations | Visualisation | Post-Hypnotic Suggestions |
Negative Self-beliefs | Anxiety and Depression | Fears, Phobias, Obsessions (OCD) |
Panic Attacks | Regression Techniques | Working with Children |
IVF | Pregnancy & Childbirth | Performance Problems - Sports, Sexual, Social & Formal |
Nail-Biting | Smoking Cessation | Weight Loss |
Addictions | Skin Problems (Eczema, Psoriasis) | Insomnia |
Eating Disorders (Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa) | Working with Groups | Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) |
Pain Control | The Importance of Good Self-Esteem | Inner Child Therapy (2 day Workshop) |
The Self-Esteem session | Goals / Final Session | Healing with Hypnotherapy |
Time Line Realignment (TLR) | Grief and Bereavement | Falling out of love (FOOL) |
Cutting the Ties that Bind | Entity Check & Spirit Releasement Therapy | Soul Fragmentation |
Introduction to Soul Retrieval Therapy | Past Life Therapy (2 day Workshop) | Professional Insurance |
Code of Conduct, Standards & Ethics | Course Assessment, Revision, and the Exam | The Therapy Room |
Advertising and Marketing Your Practice | Support & Supervision | Continuing Professional Development (CPD) |
“Life-changing, mind-blowing, unique. There is no course like this that also addresses spiritual issues. This course will touch your heart in more ways than you ever thought possible. I had absolutely no idea that this course would and has changed my life. This course went above and beyond what I expected.”
“This course is for those interested, in both a professional and personal level, in hypnotherapy. It will give you the skills to feel confident in delivering varying therapeutic sessions for a wide variety of issues/problems, and also give you the valuable tools to develop your “self”. I have really enjoyed this course and especially the personal teachings from Costa and Susan (words of wisdom!).””
Telephone us on 0161 860 4797 for our 2015 registration form
and for up-to-date information on course numbers (maximum 16).
Alternatively, just click on this link to download a printer-friendly pdf of the Registration form:
Download Application Form
Read more:
The Tutors | Course Overview | Course Content | Course Dates | Terms & Fees